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Cleaning steps for copper valves


Cleaning steps of copper valve:

1. According to the production and manufacturing requirements, some parts need polishing treatment, and the surface cannot have production and manufacturing, etc;

2. All parts shall be degreased;

3. Carry out acid pickling and phosphating after degreasing, and the cleaning solution does not contain phosphorus;

4. After phosphating treatment and purification, clean it with purified water, and there should be no drug residues. This step is omitted for alloy steel components;

5. Parts and components shall be scrubbed with non protective cloth one by one, and the surface of components such as cable TV wool shall not be preserved, or the cleaned ones shall be air dried;

6. Clean the parts one by one with sterile filter without anti cloth or with high density dipped in analytical pure alcohol until there is no dirty color.

Wasserrohr Elitemänner ZH GmbH
Address:Römeräcker 9,763 51 Linkenheim-Hochstette
  • Germany:+49-15238798061
  • Italy:+39-3349889888
  • E-mail:aiman.plastde@gmail.com

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