Wasserrohr Elitemänner ZH GmbH
  • Germany Tel:+49-15238798061
  • Italy Tel:+39-3349889888
  • China Tel:+86-159 0086 6133

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Add:Römeräcker 9,763 51 Linkenheim-Hochstette Online

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What are the maintenance methods of valves


1. Pay special attention to the natural environment for the storage of valves. They should be stored in a dry and naturally ventilated room and blocked on both sides of the channel.

2. The valve shall be maintained regularly, the waste on it shall be eliminated, and the antirust agent shall be wiped on its surface.

3. Install the valve after application, and solve its maintenance on time to ensure its normal operation.

4. Check whether the valve protruding surface is damaged, and carry out maintenance or replacement according to the condition.

5. Check the damage condition of the trapezoidal thread of the valve seat and the valve seat nut, and whether the filling material is outdated and invalid, and carry out the required replacement.

6. Solve the sealing characteristics of the valve and carry out experiments to ensure its characteristics.

7. The valve in operation shall be intact, the foundation bolts on the flange and support frame shall be complete, and the external thread shall be of high quality without looseness.

8. If the handle is lost, it should be equipped immediately instead of being replaced by a ripe wrench.

9. The filler screw cap shall not be inclined or have no torque gap.

10. If the natural environment of valve application is relatively poor and it is easy to be contaminated by rain and snow, dust, sand and other wastes, the protective cover should be installed for the valve seat.

11. The ruler and mark on the valve shall be detailed, accurate and clear, and the lead seal and backboard of the valve.

12. The thermal insulation collet shall be free of dents and cracks.

13. The valve in operation shall be protected from knocking or lifting objects at the support point.

Wasserrohr Elitemänner ZH GmbH
Address:Römeräcker 9,763 51 Linkenheim-Hochstette
  • Germany:+49-15238798061
  • Italy:+39-3349889888
  • E-mail:aiman.plastde@gmail.com

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