Wasserrohr Elitemänner ZH GmbH
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Advantages of PPR pipe used in drinking water


With the continuous improvement of people's quality of life, drinking water needs more attention. In terms of drinking water safety, the use of water pipes is very important. PPR pipe has the characteristics of high temperature resistance, chemical stability and plasticity, so it is non-toxic, tasteless, cold resistant, heat resistant, pressure resistant, non rusting, non corrosive, non embedding, long service life, long service life, lasting and aging prevention. After all, water is a necessity in people's life. Families generally use water pipes to transport water. If you don't want the original good water source to have metal components during transportation, choose to use PPR pipe. That's the right choice. The service life of PPR pipe can reach 5 times that of galvanized pipe, which basically realizes maintenance free, greatly reducing the maintenance and operation costs.

When installing PPR pipes indoors, they should be carried out after the completion of civil engineering decoration. Holes or prefabricated casings should be properly reserved before installation with civil engineering. Steel casings should be installed when the pipes go. Through the floor.

Wasserrohr Elitemänner ZH GmbH
Address:Römeräcker 9,763 51 Linkenheim-Hochstette
  • Germany:+49-15238798061
  • Italy:+39-3349889888
  • E-mail:aiman.plastde@gmail.com

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