Wasserrohr Elitemänner ZH GmbH
  • Germany Tel:+49-15238798061
  • Italy Tel:+39-3349889888
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Add:Römeräcker 9,763 51 Linkenheim-Hochstette Online

Common Problem

What if the internal wire of PPR elbow is loose


Inner wire elbow inner wire is broken, what about water leakage

The inner wire of the inner wire elbow is broken and leaking, so the water needs to be cut off, and the elbow should be replaced. Find PPR hot-melt welding wire and heat welding with hot-melt gun. This consideration is technology. Generally, the welding of wire bud should be cleaned up, and it is easy to leak again if it is not well controlled. Make the fixture, wrap the whole elbow or water leakage part, and the fixture shall be made with a remark glue hole. After the sealant is injected and solidified, the cost is high, but it can be carried out under pressure.

1. We need to use a special grinding head to gently screw into the inner wire we need to repair, and we will screw down the nut in front of the fuser to expose the screw inside; Insert the screw at the front end of the fuser into the grinding head we screwed on before, heat it, and take out the inner wire (take off the inner wire, don't take off the grinding head);

2. Take a new inner wire, install it on the grinding head at the front end of the fuser, and take out the inner wire in the same way; Insert the grinding head (with inner wire) at the front end of the fuser into the original inner wire pipe to be repaired for heating; After heating and sticking the new inner wire, we use a screwdriver to remove our grinding head, and we use pliers to slowly remove the grinding head from the new inner wire.

What about PPR inner wire elbow inner wire loose? In fact, if this problem is exposed, it is very simple to solve. Just replace the inner wire pipe fitting. As for the inner wire elbow, if the inner wire is broken, what about the leakage? This problem definitely needs to cut off water and then replace the elbow. Of course, this is a more technical thing, and we can find professional personnel to help us do it.

Wasserrohr Elitemänner ZH GmbH
Address:Römeräcker 9,763 51 Linkenheim-Hochstette
  • Germany:+49-15238798061
  • Italy:+39-3349889888
  • E-mail:aiman.plastde@gmail.com

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